Got Enough Stuff?

 Got enough “stuff”? 

Years ago I was asked to help a man who had some personal life issues. 

I was still kind of new to the ministry and was a bit confused from my initial meeting with him. 

I met a man who was obviously very wealthy and powerful. 

He owned a very public and successful business, had money, and was surrounded by more material wealth than I had ever seen. 

He had what seemed to me at the time, an army of assistants and employees catering to his every need. 

In my initial first 30-second assessment, this man had it all! 

Despite all this, I was sent to help and was amazed at what I learned as I got to know this man. 

He was filled with anger and loneliness. 

Even though he was surrounded by people, along with enough material wealth and possessions to make anyone envious, HE WAS MISERABLE! 

He had no personal relationships and had estranged most of his family over the years. 

I learned that money had become his God and those material things were his mistress.

He had no real relationship with anyone. 

Long story short, I spent some time with him but it was obvious he was not having any of what I offered in my “Jesus bag and sobriety kit” as he came to call it during the few months I tried to help him. 

I was replaced by more senior ministers so I lost track of his progress but I never forgot how miserable this extremely wealthy man was. 

I felt sorry for him because despite his power and wealth he was morally bankrupt and spiritually poor

How about you? 

How is your spiritual bank account and net worth!… 

Check your experience…

“He is the Father, we are His children.” Big Book pg. 62 

Lord let our true wealth come from the richness our Spirit gains from you and our relationships with those around us, AMEN. 

“We came into this world with nothing. For sure, when we die, we will take nothing with us.” 1 Timothy 6:7 

Have a blessed day y’all! 

What if you had a person who coached and mentored you in building a better life? 

Inspired 365 Life Coaching with Mark Farley!! 

Want a one-on-one coach to get you out of where you are? 

Email today and let’s chat to see if we can make up a plan for you to get you to where you want to be! 

[email protected]
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