From the Heart

 It’s a matter of your heart… 

Have you ever had a situation where even though you are there, your heart’s not in it? 

Perhaps it’s out of your immediate control and for the greater good you need to be there, but given your preferences, you would choose to be elsewhere. 

I am sure we all have these times, and we manage to get through them just fine. 

What about your faith? 

While it’s good to go to church and participate in worship, 

it’s not so good if our hearts are not in it. 

God doesn’t care where we are physically at, 

but He does want our hearts to be open and full of faith. 

Believing is a heart matter and our actions show our faith… 

Check your experience… 

“It was only a matter of being willing to believe in a Power greater than myself. Nothing more was required of me to make my beginning.” Big Book pg. 12

Lord, let us keep our hearts open and filled with our belief in You and Your promises, AMEN. 

“For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by openly declaring your faith that you are saved.” Romans 10:10 

Have a blessed day Y’all! 

Join me in looking at the things we face daily with passages from both the Big Book and Bible! 
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