Friends in Low Places

We’ve got friends in low places…. 

It’s obvious that Jesus came to save the lost, and they were all drawn to Him, but the religious establishment of the time complained about this constantly. 

If they had their way, the religious people would have driven the sinners far away, but Jesus did not allow this to happen. 

He came to seek out and save the lost. Jesus had and still has friends in low places. 

Today we see His statue in beautiful churches, but we will still experience His presence in the streets and in our daily encounters. 

He still wants to speak with you today. 

He needs us to help Him reach others. 

Don’t give up, and know that it is not Jesus that is driving you away when worldly clamors get in the way. 

Using our hands to touch them, and our voice to speak to them, He can and will reach folks right where they are…

Check your experience… 

“There had been a humble willingness to have Him with me — and He came.” Big Book pg. 12 

Lord, please continue to use us to reach others in the same way You were first introduced. to us, AMEN. 

“The tax collectors and sinners all came to listen to Jesus. But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law began to complain: “Look, this man welcomes sinners and even eats with them.” Luke 15:1-2 

Have a blessed day Y’all! 

Join me in looking at the things we face daily with passages from both the Big Book and Bible!     
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