Freedom Through Serving

 We remain free through serving others… 

This is an odd concept, yet for those of us who have experienced serving someone or something out of the kindness of our hearts with no expectation of return, get it. 

Think about it for a moment. 

Every day we naturally help, assist, or give a hand to someone or something. 

From parents caring for their children’s needs to yielding the right of way to another while we walk or drive, we are instinctually serving. 

It’s part of our nature. 

The Spiritual principle supporting this is the fact that through serving others, we are humbling ourselves to put others needs before our wants. 

The feeling you get is immeasurable when you do something for someone who can never pay you back. 

Helping others, does in fact, help ourselves…

Check your experience… 

“Helping others is the foundation stone” Big Book pg 97 

Lord, let us exercise and grow our freedom through helping others, AMEN. 

 “For you have been called to live in freedom, my brothers and sisters. But don’t use your freedom to satisfy your sinful nature. Instead, use your freedom to serve one another in love.” Galatians 5:13 

Have a blessed day y’all! 

Did  you know that Mentorship can help you grow and achieve your goals and dreams? 

Inspired 365 Mentorship with Mark Farley!! 

Email today and let’s chat to see if we can make up a plan for you to get you to where you want to be! 

[email protected]
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