Finish What You Started

Finish what you started…

It’s human nature (self-will) to want to ease up near the end and let our efforts slide. 

Most folks are aware of this and combat this feeling by reaching down deep (God’s will) to muster the needed energy and focus to finish strong. 

How are you finishing your tasks, duties, and commitments?..

Check your experience…

“Half measures availed us nothing. We stood at the turning point. We asked His protection and care with complete abandon.” Big Book pg. 59 

Lord give us the drive and presence of mind to seek Your will in our efforts to finish strong, AMEN. 

“Now you should finish what you started. Let the eagerness you showed in the beginning be matched now by your giving. Give in proportion to what you have.” 2 Corinthians 8:11 

Have a blessed day Y’all! 

What if you had a person who coached and mentored you in building a better life? 

 Inspired 365 Life Coaching with Mark Farley!! 

Want a one-on-one coach to get you out of where you are? 

Email today lets chat to see if we can make up a plan for you to get you to where you want to be! 

[email protected]
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