“F” Words!

Work is one of them 4 letter words…..

Work seems to be a heavy word. 

There are things in life we must do that we don’t necessarily enjoy that require work. 

From simple things like laundry to complex things like car maintenance (well… it’s very complex for me!) the work required may not be enjoyable but we know it’s needed. 

On the other hand, each of us possess talents and skills that we enjoy and because of our passions for them, it doesn’t feel like work. 

What is your passion or talent that you gain enjoyment and satisfaction from doing? 

These are just a part of the many gifts God has given us. …

Check your experience…. 

“It works, if we have the proper attitude and work at it.” Big Book pg 86 

Lord let our hearts be reminded that while most work is necessary, we do have talents and gifts that bring us pleasure in some of our work, AMEN. 

Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Matthew 9:37-38

Have a blessed day y’all! 

Looking to volunteer or plug into an existing helping opportunity in the Greater Phoenix AZ area? 

Visit Servants Hearts! 

It’s a free site to help connect folks with volunteer and helping opportunities! 


How about a daily dose of hope and inspired thought? 

Join me in looking at the things we face daily with passages from both the Big Book and Bible! 

Free daily message in your Inbox!









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