Category: Guys With God


Expectations and Rights

I have these “rights”…

Have you ever had one of those days where nothing seems to go right? 

Maybe even a week or longer where things just are not working out? 

I have a few friends right now that are in the hospital longer than expected and it’s no picnic for them.

It’s frustrating when we are going through these times. 

Now maybe it’s different for you but, when things don’t go my way or the way I expect them to, my “rights” move in and try to convince me that my way is the only way and the best way. 

This crowds out not only the reality but also the ability for God to work in me and through me to show me what is meant to be. 

I have learned through these times and over the years to look for the good and hold fast to my knowledge and experience that my faith will see me through and my hopes will keep me looking for the positive… 

Check your experience… 

“I can watch my serenity level rise when I discard my expectations.  But then my “rights” try to move in, and they too can force my serenity level down.  I have to discard my “rights,” as well as my expectations,” Big Book pg. 420.

Lord, remind our hearts in times of struggle and discomfort that this will pass and to look for the good and not focus on the bad, AMEN. 

“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world, you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

Have a blessed day Y’all! 

Join me in looking at the things we face daily with passages from both the Big Book and Bible! 

How about a daily dose of hope and inspired thought? 

Our Mind’s Eye

In your mind’s eye… 

Have you ever noticed what your mind remembers in minute detail compared to other things that are foggy to the memory? 

Now maybe it’s different for you, but my magic magnifying mind likes to recall in exact detail the perceived wrongs it thinks I have experienced along with focusing on the faults in people, places, and things! 

Then on the other side, it has trouble seeing my part in these matters as well as my part in the wrongs I have caused! 

Luckily, my daily walk with Jesus, living the 12 Steps, and having a picket fence of friends who can keep me honest helps me to not let my warped mind fall into these illusions. 

I am free of the shackles of self-will and can now focus on the more important things in life – helping others, being of service, and seeking God’s will. 

How’s that working out for you? 

Is your mind constantly reminding you of the perceived wrongs you have incurred?.. 

Check your experience… 

“In this book, you read again and again that faith did for us what we could not do for ourselves.” Big Book pg. 70 

Lord, let us break free from the shackles of our self-centered will to free our minds and hearts from the illusions fueled by our fears, pride, and insecurities, AMEN. 

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing, and perfect will.” Romans 12:2 

Have a blessed day Y’all! 

What if you had a person who coached and mentored you in building a better life? 

 Inspired 365 Life Coaching with Mark Farley!! 

Want a one-on-one coach to get you out of where you are? 

 Email today and let’s chat to see if we can make up a plan for you to get you to where you want to be

[email protected]

Hard Knocks and Wisdom

There are book smarts, street smarts, and then there is wisdom… 

Most of us can claim to be graduates of the School of Hard Knocks. 

Experience teaches us much and we learn from our mistakes and even from our victories. 

Some of us can even claim advanced degrees from our School of Hard Knocks, but the ones I have learned the most from are the students of God’s Word. 

Some have their undergraduate degrees from our Alma Mater, but ultimately their trust in the Lord and thirst for His Word gives them the wisdom we all naturally seek. 

Who and where are you gaining your wisdom?..

Check your experience…

“Our ideas did not work. But the God idea did.” Big Book pg. 50 

Lord fill us with Your wisdom that comes from Your Spirit and Word, AMEN. 

“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously” James 1:5 

Have a blessed day Y’all! 

Join me in looking at the things we face daily with passages from both the Big Book and Bible! 

 How about a daily dose of hope and inspired thought? 

Encourage Folks!

Give encouragement, catch someone doing something right…

It’s all around us, no matter where we look or what the subject is,..

the fault finders, negativity breeders, and armchair “experts” are there to quickly point out our faults, wrongs, and why we won’t succeed. 

 Sheesh, why even bother trying? 

We must keep trying because we can. 

Negativity can only affect us if we allow it to get a grip on us. 

We can change this by doing something rarely seen these days. 

We can CATCH someone doing something RIGHT and…. get ready… compliment and ENCOURAGE them! 

Try looking for the good today

It will change your outlook especially if you encourage another…

Check your experience…

“…walk day by day in the path of spiritual progress. If you persist, remarkable things will happen.” Big Book pg. 100 

Lord let us look for the good in people, places, and things today, AMEN 

“Encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11 

Have a blessed day Y’all! 

What if you had a person who coached and mentored you in building a better life? 

 Inspired 365 Life Coaching with Mark Farley!! 

Want a one-on-one coach to get you out of where you are? 

 Email today and let’s chat to see if we can make up a plan for you to get you to where you want to be!

[email protected]

Cleaning the Insides

Wash the dirt away…. 

Most of us shower and or bathe daily, some more than others! 

On top of that we have hand sanitizers and other personal products stashed everywhere so we can use them at our leisure to rid ourselves of dirt, germs, and grime we encounter all day long. 

How about our minds? 

There are books, videos, and seminars always available to help us get a fresh perspective but….. 

HOW do we get Spiritually clean? 

I’m sure y’all have a thought or method…

How’s that working out for you?..

I have found through my walk with Jesus along the 12 Step path that the only way for me to cleanse my spirit is to daily wash my soul and heart in the Word, along with accountability to others, and finally serving those He puts in my path… 

Check your experience… 

“What we really have is a daily reprieve contingent on the maintenance of our spiritual condition.” Big Book pg. 85 

 Lord, please help us to cleanse our hearts and minds daily through seeking Your will and being in Your Word, AMEN. 

“First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean.” Matthew 23:26 

Have a blessed day y’all! 

Join me in looking at the things we face daily with passages from both the Big Book and Bible! 

How about a daily dose of hope and inspired thought? 

We Get What We Give

We get what we give…. 

This is a spiritual axiom that holds true no matter what the situation. 

We get out of “it” exactly what we put into “it”. 

Whether it be our gym routine, work, or other lifestyle actions, our results come directly from our efforts. 

This holds true for us mentally as well. 

Our thoughts, attitudes, and ultimately our behaviors are the product of what we put in our minds. 

Spiritual growth can only come for us when we open our hearts and minds to seek His truth and Will for us...

Check your experience…

“What we really have is a daily reprieve contingent on the maintenance of our spiritual condition.” Big Book pg. 85 

Lord, let us give you our will and our lives daily in order to grow and thrive, AMEN. 

 “Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you full—pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.” Luke 6:38 

Have a blessed day Y’all! 

Join us in prayer and with your financial support as we tackle the challenge of helping and mentoring young adults aging out of the Foster Care System.

Freedom Is Not Free

Freedom comes from helping others… 

Just a thought to share as we remember our fallen and those who have gone before us. 

Freedom is not free. 

We all need to give it away in order to keep it. … 

Check your experience. … 

“For you have been called to live in freedom-not freedom to satisfy your sinful nature, but freedom to serve one another in love for the whole law can be summed up in this one command: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.'” Galatians 5:13-14 

Lord thank you for showing us over and over again that we are truly free when we are serving others from our hearts with love, AMEN. 

“We are sure God wants us to be happy, joyous, and free.” Big Book pg. 133 

Have a blessed day Y’all! 

Join me in looking at the things we face daily with passages from both the Big Book and Bible! 

 How about a daily dose of hope and inspired thought? 

Remembering While We Relax

It’s a 3-day weekend with lots of BBQs, sales, travel, and even a traditional race in the Hoosier Heartland. 

Just a suggestion, but take a moment, when you can, to remember and say a prayer of thanks to those who willingly and bravely gave their lives in order for us to remain free and safe. 

Last I checked we are still ‘One Nation Under God’…

“There had been a humble willingness to have Him with me — and He came.” Big Book pg. 12

Lord thank you for our freedom and bless those who have fallen while they served our country to protect us, AMEN. 

“The memory of the righteous is blessed,” Proverbs 10:7

Have a blessed day Y’all! 

Join me in looking at the things we face daily with passages from both the Big Book and Bible! 

How about a daily dose of hope and inspired thought? 

Finish What You Started

Finish what you started…

It’s human nature (self-will) to want to ease up near the end and let our efforts slide. 

Most folks are aware of this and combat this feeling by reaching down deep (God’s will) to muster the needed energy and focus to finish strong. 

How are you finishing your tasks, duties, and commitments?..

Check your experience…

“Half measures availed us nothing. We stood at the turning point. We asked His protection and care with complete abandon.” Big Book pg. 59 

Lord give us the drive and presence of mind to seek Your will in our efforts to finish strong, AMEN. 

“Now you should finish what you started. Let the eagerness you showed in the beginning be matched now by your giving. Give in proportion to what you have.” 2 Corinthians 8:11 

Have a blessed day Y’all! 

What if you had a person who coached and mentored you in building a better life? 

 Inspired 365 Life Coaching with Mark Farley!! 

Want a one-on-one coach to get you out of where you are? 

Email today lets chat to see if we can make up a plan for you to get you to where you want to be! 

[email protected]