Be the change you want to see

There are times in my life when I don’t like the direction I’m going. What do I do? To many times I point fingers. I may blame others, or the situation. What I didn’t do enough in the past was ask myself, ”what can I do to change things? What is in my control?” I didn’t have the courage or confidence in the past to do anything. I let life control me. That has changed. As I continue to grow in my relationship with Jesus, and the men He has out into my life, I am getting better at taking over the things I control. I am taking action. If I want to see things differently in my life, I have to take a step. One step at a time! If I want to see change in my life, it has to start with me. I have to be the change in my life that I want to happen.

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Change From Within

Change must come from within…It’s such a blessing to be around folks who are sharing the changes they are making in themselves! Their positive motivation and encouragement inspire me to continue...
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Is This Available at the Walmart?

 Is this available on Amazon or at the Walmart?... Wouldn’t it be great if we could just order wisdom online, download it to our mind computer and keep on moving? Heck, even...
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Take Time to Listen

Take time to listen before waiting to speak… Have you ever caught yourself on “auto-pilot” in a conversation? For me, it usually happens during a familiar conversation or recurring situation. My mind tells...
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Give It Away to Keep It

We can’t keep it unless we give it away….  It is a wonderful feeling to be able to help another person with no expectation of a gain or a return.Perhaps you...
Author: Ron P