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Isolated Thoughts

We are not alone… There are all sorts of hi-tech headsets, earphones, and other apparatus that makes it very easy to isolate these days. Heck, with headphones being so popular, it’s almost...
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Humility not Humiliation

 Humility is way different than humiliation…. Humility is a good virtue that allows us to acknowledge others and respect their dignity, talents, and opinions. Humility is not weakness; it’s a spirit of...
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It Ain’t For Sale

It ain't for sale.... Just about anything we could possibly want or think we need is available instantly these days. From the basics of food, shelter, and clothing to instant fixes from...
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Freedom Is Not Free

Freedom comes from helping others… Just a thought to share as we remember our fallen and those who have gone before us. Freedom is not free. We all need to give it away...
Author: Ron P