Bad Moment

Don’t turn a bad moment into a bad day...

It was in hearing and learning the St. Francis prayer in AA that I first learned that in order to be forgiven, I must first forgive others. 

Back then, and even sometimes today, it was a tall order and I had a very hard time finding the willingness to open my heart and mind to become forgiving. 

Over the years I have learned from my own experiences as well as from watching and working with others that we tend to hang on to negative feelings and experiences longer than we should and if not addressed, these feeling and experiences can take on a life of their own and begin influencing our thoughts, actions and over time behaviors over other people, places, and things. 

With Thanksgiving coming next week, all sorts of resentments, anger, hurts, and ill feelings will come rushing to the front of folk’s minds as family and friends gather together. 

Jesus forgave us for our sins and continues to forgive me daily because of His unconditional love. 

It is a spiritual principle that HE can’t forgive us until we are able to forgive others… 

Check your experience… 

“We go to him in a helpful and forgiving spirit, “Big Book pg. 77 

Lord let us open our hearts to become forgiving of others so that we can be forgiven ourselves, AMEN. 

“Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.” Ephesians 4:32 

Have a blessed day y’all! 

Join me in looking at the things we face daily with passages from both the Big Book and Bible! 
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