Keep Walking the Path

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Getting Wisdom

Is this available on Amazon or at the Walmart?... Wouldn’t it be great if we could just order wisdom online, download it to our mind computer and keep on moving? Heck, even...
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Seek and you will find

What am I seeking today? Am I looking for things that are negative, or am I seeing all the blessings that are around me? I often struggle with seeing the...
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Just a Daily Dose

Just a daily dose…We have pills to fix our headaches, ointments to relieve sore muscles, and all kinds of over-the-counter instant fixes for most of our other aches and pains.There...
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Those Hard to Open Presents

Those hard to open presents…. It seems we have had that one gift that is hard to open. You know, the one that is wrapped so tight it takes something stronger than...