
As I continue on this journey God has me on, He continues to reveal my prideful ways. It is not an easy thing to see in myself. But, I continue to remain obedient. I continue to ask Him to reveal to me each day His Wisdom. Reveal to me His truth, not the lies I so often hear, and see in myself. I continue to ask Him to help me remain obedient! It is a tough journey for me at times, but as I allow God to soften my heart, my relationship with Him grows, which than improves my relationships here in this world! I will remain obedient!

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Smart or Wise?

Are we being smart or wise?... While these 2 words generally mean the same thing, there is a big difference. Being smart comes from relying on our own self driven actions, skills,...
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They and Them

"THEY" just don't understand.... Most of my early life, I was under the impression that "THEY" knew best and we should try and please "THEM". I spent a lot of confused years...
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Good Books

What book are you reading from?!?... In today’s world we can get books in many forms. From the standard printed book form to kindle, books are available to us in whatever media...
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Battle of the Thoughts

Thought battles... Perhaps you don't experience this type of thought, but this thought still tries to negatively influence me from time to time. It's a thought born of self-will and fueled by...
Author: Ron P