How’s Your Footing?

How’s your footing?..

Sometimes we find ourselves on rocky, cluttered, or unstable paths as we try to walk. 

When we encounter these challenges, we usually become a bit more wary of each step and sometimes consider changing our path. 

We don’t necessarily need to change the goal or the destination, but…

Perhaps change the way we are trying to get there. 

We can and will encounter some unstable paths in our Spiritual walk as well. 

It’s in those times we can look to the Holy Spirit to guide us and set us on a clear and more stable path instead of trying to seek an easier, softer way on our own. 

How do you find firm footing spiritually?..

Check your experience… 

“Established on such a footing we became less and less interested in ourselves, our little plans and designs.” Big Book pg 63 

Lord, let us look to You to establish our footing when we find ourselves on shaky ground, AMEN. 

“You cleared the ground under me so my footing was firm.” 2 Samuel 22:37 

Have a blessed day y’all! 

Looking to volunteer or plug into an existing helping opportunity in the Greater Phoenix AZ area? 

Visit Servants Hearts! 

It’s a free site to help connect folks with volunteer and helping opportunities! 
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1 thought on “How’s Your Footing?

  1. “You can rationalize it all you want and justify the path of error you have chosen, but you’ll find out in the end that you took the road to destruction.”
    ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭14:12‬ ‭TPT‬‬

    For me, it is easy to get on the wrong path. I am so blessed to have a group of men that I can ALWAYS rely upon to get me back on the right path. Being able to share my struggles with other men, knowing that I am not alone in my battles, is such a tremendous blessing! Holding me accountable. Telling me what I need to hear, not what I want to hear!

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