Growth in Fertile Soil

Things grow better in fertile soil… 

Have you ever noticed how certain plants grow and thrive in some climates but not in others? 

I live in Arizona and while many forms of cacti and desert plants thrive here, tropical plants don’t. 

It’s kind of the same with our spiritual life. 

When we plant ourselves in the Word and make sure we are receiving the Living Water of the Holy Spirit and our hearts are getting needed soul nutrition from fellowship with Jesus we thrive. 

However, when we try to live in unspiritual conditions, like plants in poor soil and bad climate, we struggle to grow and thrive. 

How is your spiritual soil?... 

Check your experience… 

“At the start, this was all we needed to commence spiritual growth, to affect our first conscious relation with God as we understood Him.” Big Book pg. 47 

Lord, please help us to find fertile spiritual growing conditions through Your Word and the Holy Spirit residing within us, AMEN. 

“But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” 2 Peter 3:18 

Have a blessed day Y’all! 

Did  you know that Mentorship can help you grow and achieve your goals and dreams? 

Inspired 365 Mentorship with Mark Farley!! 

Email today and let’s chat to see if we can make up a plan for you to get you to where you want to be! 

[email protected]
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