It’s Mother’s Day

We GET what we GIVE…. 

As we celebrate Mother’s Day, a great example of unconditional love is seen in a mother’s love for her child. 

Because we are human, it’s a part of our DNA to unconsciously and naturally seek unconditional love. 

Most of us spend our lives seeking it and never quite finding it. 

Perhaps it’s because we are looking with the wrong motives. 

We GET what we GIVE. 

That is a spiritual principle. 

In my experience I have only received unconditional love when I am in a mental, spiritual, and emotional state to give this. 

I have learned I must give unconditional love in order to be able to receive it. 

God loves us unconditionally but until we are willing, we cannot receive His love. 

It’s the same with our relationships here on Earth. 

Until we are willing to give love unconditionally, we cannot receive it. … 

Check your experience…. 

“Love and tolerance of others is our code.” Big Book pg. 84 

Lord thank You for loving us unconditionally. Please open our hearts with Your Spirit to enable us to be willing to give love unconditionally so that we may receive it, AMEN. 

“As one whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you;” Isaiah 66:13 

Have a blessed day Y’all! 

Join me in looking at the things we face daily with passages from both the Big Book and Bible! 

 How about a daily dose of hope and inspired thought? 
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