Change Your Thoughts

Change your thoughts and change your world… 

If we can change our thoughts, 
we can change our attitudes

If we change our attitudes, 
we can change our actions.

If our actions change 
then our behaviors follow. 

Finally, if our behaviors change, 
then so do our habits. 

It starts with us folks. 

We need not let the actions or influences of others control us and no matter how good it looks on the TV or the internet does not mean we HAVE to HAVE it to be complete! 

God gave us free will for a reason in order to allow us to consciously make our choices and decisions based on what’s in our hearts and not dominating our mind’s eye at the moment. … 

Check your experience. … 

“The persistence of this illusion is astonishing.” Big Book pg. 30 

Lord, let us be transformed by seeking Your will daily and not falling to the illusions of the material things of this world, AMEN. 

“Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you,” Romans 12:2 

Have a blessed day Y’all! 

Join us in prayer and with your financial support as we tackle the challenge of helping and mentoring young adults aging out of the Foster Care System. 

AZ Charitable TAX CREDIT! 
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