Something I read just now:
For me, there is so much truth in this:

“Too often men spend their lives seeking things and the perfect circumstances. We grew up anticipating the next stage when life would be perfect: when I can drive, when I get a job, when I get a car, when I get married, when I have children, when I can retire, and on it goes. But there is never enough stuff, never the perfect life. However, when we seek the Lord, look for His direction, listen to His voice, and rejoice in His answers, Jesus offers a profound sense of joy!”

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Corrupt Data?

 Corrupt data… Have you ever heard of this term? Corrupt data comes from errors in reading, writing, transmitting, and processing data. These days, we can have computer trouble, TV trouble, and even car...
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Don’t Drink the Kool-Aid

Don't drink the Kool-Aid, just drink the water... We buy products based on our experience. I have learned the hard way that a pretty package can be misleading. It's what's inside that counts. We...
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How About Asking?

ASK… SEEK… KNOCK… These are powerful words requiring individual efforts and actions that lead to amazing and blessed results. I get caught up in my own head at times and begin to...
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Walking Toward the Light

Keep walking toward the light… Have you ever stayed overnight in a hotel or even a friend’s home for the first time and had to find the light switch in the...
Author: Ron P