Be the change you want to see

There are times in my life when I don’t like the direction I’m going. What do I do? To many times I point fingers. I may blame others, or the situation. What I didn’t do enough in the past was ask myself, ”what can I do to change things? What is in my control?” I didn’t have the courage or confidence in the past to do anything. I let life control me. That has changed. As I continue to grow in my relationship with Jesus, and the men He has out into my life, I am getting better at taking over the things I control. I am taking action. If I want to see things differently in my life, I have to take a step. One step at a time! If I want to see change in my life, it has to start with me. I have to be the change in my life that I want to happen.

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Minding What Matters

When we mind what matters, what matters will be on our mind… It’s pretty easy to see what matters to us. Just look at who we associate with and what we tend...
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As I continue on this journey called ”life”, God continues to reveal His Wisdom to me. One of the areas of my character He continues to grow is my patience....
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One-Stop Shopping

One-stop shopping…. We stop at many places for many things most days. We go to the coffee shop for our coffee, the juice place for our smoothies, the cleaners for our clothes,...
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Help with Our Burdens

I can't. ... HE can. ... I think I will let Him....The pressures of everyday life can become overwhelming. Especially when we fall under the worldly illusion that we must do...
Author: Ron P