Something I read just now:
For me, there is so much truth in this:

“Too often men spend their lives seeking things and the perfect circumstances. We grew up anticipating the next stage when life would be perfect: when I can drive, when I get a job, when I get a car, when I get married, when I have children, when I can retire, and on it goes. But there is never enough stuff, never the perfect life. However, when we seek the Lord, look for His direction, listen to His voice, and rejoice in His answers, Jesus offers a profound sense of joy!”

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Best Gift EVER

The best gift ever… Almost everyone has an example of the best present they have ever received. Usually, folks associate this pleasant thought with a Christmas present, a significant life change, or...
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Encourage Instead of Discourage

Striving and encouraging….I don’t watch a lot of  TV but the show American Ninja Warriors caught my attention. The men and women who compete in the show work their tails off...
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First Things First

First things first… There seems to be a natural order of things. We first must learn to walk before we run. Athletes practice over and over to gain the needed skills and endurance...
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Last is First

Last is first… This is a fun time of year to watch people if you are a people watcher! It’s so inspiring to see the love folks have for others displayed as...
Author: Ron P